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The above highlights a range of Photosimulations (perspective renderings, graphic visualizations, etc.) that have been produced over the past five years.  When employing these types of graphics, it's important to consider the following questions.


  • What is the story? Will these graphics compare alternatives or explore them, and if so how, what systems or metrics will we want to elaborate on?

  • What are the relevant systems or ideas that define, or contrast, this concept from other alternatives or existing condition? Some common themes are density around transit nodes, parking infill, shopping center rehabilitation, mixed uses within a mono-use context, density feathering, links between land use and transportation, making “denser” housing attractive.

  • How realistic is the build-out? There are many factors that going to transforming land use color blobs in to graphics that the general public can relate to. Fictional land use build-outs can take into consideration setbacks, FAR limits, parking and landscape requirements, vertical mixed use, design guidelines, internal circulation, or fire access, to name a

  • Are the numbers important? Metrics, such as square feet of building floor plate, can be generated as a part of the process in such a way that as the alternative concepts visually take shape a better understanding about the program or other specific quantities can be gained.

  • Where are the landmarks? It’s common for graphics at this scale to use existing landmarks to help orient the viewer to this specific place. These landmarks also tend to be touchstones for community identity and help ground the land-use discussion in a bit of existing context.*

*Text provided by MIG







2014 - present



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